Friday, August 17, 2012

Journal Entry 2

Nothing really special happened in the pst 24 hours I guess. It was a pretty busy day though.I ended up getting to school just before the bell rang because I fell back asleep after originally getting up and had to get all ready in five minutes. I ended up getting out of school at around 2:30 which gave me half an hour before I had to go to work so I made a quick dinner and left to work. Work was pretty slow until around 5 when the place just got packed. I'm a bus boy by the way. After work ended at seven, I had to change into my soccer clothes and rush to practice at 7:30. Practice was pretty fun, until mid way through, a coyote decided to stroll on through the field like it owned the place. After that, practice just resumed normally and at 9:45, I finally made it home. Luckily, I didn't have any homework so I was able to get to sleep at a decent time.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Journal Entry 1

Yesterday was a very long day. After school I had work immediately after until 7:00. After work, I had to rush home, change and hop back in the car and drive up to CCV for soccer practice at 7:30. When that was finally over at around 9:30, I went back home to eat and finish homework before going to bed at around midnight. Because of the night's chaos, this morning didn't go as well as planned. I woke up fne at my regular time, 6:30, but after taking a shower I decided to lay back down for a little before eating and getting ready. Unfortunately, the qick lie down turned into a long nap. Luckily I was able to wake myself up at 7:20, 5 minutes before I usually go to school. Without breakfast,  I was lucky enough to make it to school on time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First 2 Days

The best memory of the past two days has to have been finally seeing all of my friends that I habn't hung out with or talked to over the summer.