Monday, April 23, 2012

Graphic Design Careers

In graphic design, there are many different career paths to choose from depending on your area of expertise and passion. On the contrary to many people’s beliefs, graphic design isn’t only just working in Photoshop or Illustrator. There are all different variations like a Flash designer for a website and being able to code everything properly to make it run easy and smooth. Also careers in multimedia and even regular illustrations on paper can be considered graphic design and, of course, finally, there is the everyday Photoshop and Illustrator magician varying anywhere from logo design, branding design, photo editing, and web designs.
For many, the idea of Flash design is relatively new. This Macromedia product has only recently made its way out onto the market. It’s a great well-rounded tool for web design easy for beginners to understand and complicated enough to fulfill the wishes of any expert designer. Flash is the is the best way to create interactive and creative websites, using photos in vector format so they can be scaled up or down without losing any quality. Flash designers are able to create and customize dozens of unique effects including text, navigation animation, video and audio in order to create interactive movies on the web. One big example of this is Youtube, the largest video sharing site in the world. If you plan on being a Flash designer it’s necessary that you have a good idea into the internet, HTML and the basics of web design. Also a training course to get started in Flash, found at many media schools around the world is the best way to start off.
Another popular career is photo editing of whom the designers are referred to as “Photoshop Gurus.” In photo editing, designers have the ability to take digital photos and images and manipulate, crop, color correct and do anything in an endless amount of possible effects. Many people probably have heard of these types of designers. Many photo editors are the people who take family portraits and then edit then correcting any mistakes in the photo.
A graphic design career that you may not even have considered was graphic design is photography. Photography is more than just taking pictures. Photographers have to know the ins and outs of many different programs on both the computer and the camera itself. Digital photography goes hand in hand with graphic design work flow because the output is already in a digital format. So you will often have a photographer taking shots for a graphic designer, who will work with the digital files directly.
Finally, the last graphic design career I’m going to talk about is web design. Most of the time, web designers work has the largest audience, but it’s commonly overlooked. Web designers design everything you see on a web page. This includes the layout, text, and other graphics. They get to design the look and feel of a website.All of this involves skill and training in computer graphics, graphic design, and in the latest in computer and web technology.


I feel that I'm ready for finals but a little catching up would really help.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


If I disagree with someone, I may handle it in different ways. If it's something I feel should be argued about I will but if it's not very serious I just may make a sarcastic comeback like o.k. or something.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I'm satisfied with all of my grades except for language arts because, by the end of the year I will be able to get them all up to A's. In language arts on the other hand is going to fall short and I'm hoping for a B which shouldn't be too hard.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Where I'd like to live

If I could live anywhere and money wasn't an issue, I'd live somewhere in California on the beach.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I only know where my ancestors came from on my father's side which is from Sicily.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Journal Entry

Yesterday I went paintballing for my friends birthday for the first time. It was pretty scary because another kid from the party and I were the only two that didn't have professional gear or ou own guns. Then when I first got to shoot mine, I realised it was only a single shot and that every else had full auto paintball guns. At the end of the day I did pretty good. I got about 16 people in 5 or 6 games but came home with a few giant welts and a sun burnt neck.