Monday, September 26, 2011

Journal Entry 9

This weekend was pretty boring, to be honest. I had loads of homework and it didn't help that I only have one hand to type it with. On Satutday I went to my soccer game just to watch and after that I was supposed to go to ortho to get my cast but after taking new e-rays, they realized that I need screws in my han. Because of this I'll be missing Tuesday and Wednesday of school but my hand should also recover quicker.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1. Who gave the talk?
Arthur Benjamin gave the talk.

2. What was subject and summary?
The subject of the talk was math. Arthur benjamin did a magic show using math. He was able to square up to a three digit number faster than a calculator. He also was able to guess the missing number of the product of a 4 digit number and 3 digit number when only 6 of the 7 numbers were given in no particular order. Finally, for his last trick, he squared a 5 digit number in his head which most calculators can't do because the can only have an 8 digit number for the answer.
3. Did you learn something from the talk?
I learned how powerful your mind can be .
4. Did the talk make you think or change your mind?
The talk made me think of the capabilities of the mind and what else we could use them for.

The Idea of School Spirit

I think having school spirit is good, but to be honest, I don't see the point of dressing up to a certain theme each day. Especially if it has nothing to do with the school. To me that's not school spirit. I know some might like it but to me it's just a day to dress up like an idiot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Test 2

1. The spot healing brush tool is to make part of an image disapear by using the colors around it to fill its place such as making a zit disapear into skin color. It would use the skin color around the zit to put over the zit making it look like it's gone.
2. Opate means something is see-through.
6. The magic wand ool.
13. I liked the way we took this test. It could have been a bit quicker but I think that these kind of tests help me learn the tools better.

Journal 8

Last night wasn't a very good night for me. At the begining it was all goin well. We were celebrating my dad's birthday but after, I had soccer practice. Once again it was all going well until about 15 minutes before practice was going to end. I slipped, fell backward and landed on my hand. My middle finger and ring finger went opposite ways and I waited in th E.R. until 2 a.m. to find out I had broken the bone that connects to my middle finger in my hand and my bone that connects to my ring finger in my hand.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Journal Entry 7

Over the weeken I had a soccer tournament in Tucson. We did alright. We won 4 of our 5 games abd took 3rd. It was pretty fun but there wasn't much to do since we didn't have much free time in between games.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Place to Eat

My favorite place to eat is at a small place in San Diego called Konos. They do breakfast and lunch on the boardwalk. They are a small family owned business thats been around forever. I like it because everything is home-made and the portions are huge.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal Entry 6

Yesterday in Graphic Design, I experimented with a couple different tools. These include the paint bucket tool, gradient tool, dodge tool, burn too, and the sponge tool. I also got to use the blur tool for a little before the period ended. I didn't do much outside of school yesterday other than homework because I had a lot to make up from my two days I was absent.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

After High School...

After high school I plan on going to college. I'm not completely sure what I want to do when i get older but I'm leading toward something in the medical field. Some of the things I've considered are a radiologist or pharmacist. I guess I'll just have to see where the future takes me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal Entry 5

My weekend didn't go so well. The whole weekend I was sick and in bed. Besides soccer pratice early Saturday morning and a soccer game early Sunday morning, I didn't do much. My head was pounding, my ears hurt, I couldn't breath and my throat was dry. Thats pretty much all that happened this weekend.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Test 1

1. The Slice tool is used to divide an image into certain sections.
5. Tolerance is the range of color that will be selected. The higher the tolerance, the wider the range of colors that will be selected. The lower the tolerance, the smaller the range of colors that will be selected.
8. The ruler tool is used to find the distance between two points on an image. You use it by clicking on one point of your image and then clicking on another part of your image and at the top it will tell you the height, width, angle, x, y, and some other stuff about the line.
11. Ilike the way we did this test. It was very hands-on and helped me make sure I knew exactly what I was doing.

Journal Entry 4

Yesterday in Graphic Design, I continued to learn more photoshop tools including the ruler tool, count tool, and note tool. The ruler tool lets you find the distance between two points in your picture. The count tool lets you count objects in an image and the note tool lets you isert notes on certain parts of your image for reminders. Today we are going to take a small test on some of the tools, and to be honest, I feel pretty good about it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Most Important Thing...

The most important thing in life other than family would have to be that I succeed or at least try my best in everything I do. Whether it be school, sports or anything else, you should always try your best. Succeeding in school is one of the most important because it critical for a successful future.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today in Graphic Design, I learned how to use the quick selection tool, the slice and slice select tool, the crop tool and the ruler tool.

When I'm 18...

When I'm 18 I'm pretty sure that I'll vote. I don't see why not. I'd like to feel like I contributed to my country but if I don't strongly support any of the candidates I probably won't vote.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journal Entry 3

Over the weekend, I had a soccer tournament in Flagstaff. We had six games and won five of them, taking second place. We got to stay in our friend's cabin just outside of Flagstaff, at Munds Park. Because it was a holiday weekend they were up there, too. It was pretty fun but I wasn't able to do much since I had three games on Saturday, two on Sunday, and one on Monday. Since we were in the finals we had a late Monday game at 6:00 p.m. Because of this I didn't get home until 11:30 and I'm so tired today.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Graffiti Slideshow

"School Pride"

To me, "school pride" is the support you have toward your school and whether or not you believe in it and everyone that goes there. When you go to school games and dances or other school activities, you are showing your "school pride." Even by playing on a school team or being in a school club is also showing "school pride" in my opinion.